Sunday, June 9, 2013

Data security issues in cloud computing

Data security issues in cloud computing

Table of Contents
Virtualization and Cloud Computing.........................................................................................4
Research Aim.............................................................................................................................5
Research Question......................................................................................................................5
Research Rationale.....................................................................................................................6
Chapter Two............................................................................................................................15
Literature Review.....................................................................................................................15
Cloud Computing and Virtualization.......................................................................................15
History and Evolution........................................... ..................................................................15
Definitions................................................................ ...............................................................17
Types of Clouds....................................................................................................................   17
Data Security Issues in Cloud..................................................................................................18
Potential Security Solution for Cloud Computing...................................................................21
Research Methodology.............................................................................................................29
Exploratory Research..........................................................................................................32
Descriptive Research...........................................................................................................32
Findings..................... .............................................................................................................34

This paper intends to shed light on the data security issues presented by virtualization and cloud computing. It is a widely accepted fact that cloud computing has many advantages because of which many firms have adopted this approach.  Because of this, enterprise data has migrated to a hybrid cloud or public computers, but despite the potential benefits of cloud computing, many organizations do not adopt this strategy. Many large enterprises still do not allow their data to be shared as they have many security concerns. The primary inhibitor for the instalment and adoption of cloud computing is the privacy protection problem. The following paper will provide a complete and concise analysis of these issues faced by companies in almost all stages of their lifecycles. In the end a conclusion will be drawn and recommendation will be devised as to how these companies keep their data secure and free from the threat of unreasonable and undesired sharing.

Virtualization and Cloud computing
Cloud computinggave immense capacity in the hands of the user as it allows provision, configuration and reconfiguration of services at large data centres. It is an emerging new technology that allows people to store a large amount of information and share it within an organization or across different companies or firms. In cloud computing the word cloud is employed as the metaphor of the ‘internet’ or in other words cloud computing is also used as the synonym of internet-based computing. In this process the entire data of the company is released on the company’s cloud and made available to each and every person in the company. Because of its immense advantages cloud computing has become the next generation of the IT enterprise architecture. This process has overcome the market of traditional methods very easily and quickly and now it is being used in management of the data to large centres where this process was not fully trustworthy. However, the new features of cloud computing have given rise to some very serious security threats that are not fully even understood as yet.  The main reason for the concerns related to the security of a system is because information resides completely in the provider’s premises. These clouds have one type of infrastructure that can beSPELLINGchanges in relation to the needs and demands of the customer. Encryption algorithms are there that can used in order to enhance the security according to the needs and demands of the user. However, there are some basic problems related to the phenomenon of cloud computing that are required to be addressed in detail before lending these services to any company. The present paper will analyse the issues related to cloud computing and various measures companies can take to improve the security and integrity of their data. This can be ascertained by installing new software in company’s database and presenting a reliable model for cloud computing. But the problem that ariseswhile conducting these procedures is because of incomplete understanding of these issues and the way they can be addressed in relation to the needs and demands of the company. There are many companies that have successfully been using cloud computing. Some famous companies include Amazon web service, Amazon sale service, and Skype. At the same time many peer to peer networking companies have also taken numerous benefits of this latest technology. They share their data on company’s cloud that makes it easier for them to conduct their day to day operations. These companies achieve coherence and economy in scale through data sharing process and for this purpose converged infrastructure and shared service lie at the heart of the cloud computing.

REFERENCE THIS PART Through cloud computing maximization in the effectiveness of shared resources is achieved. These resources can easily be re-allocated whenever their demand is felt in the company. In this way maximization in the usage of computer power is gained.   In this way upfront infrastructure cost of company’s operations can be minimised. At the same time, maintenance needs also become less because it enables information technology to adjust resources needs according to the requirements of the company.

Along with its advantages, cloud computing also raises several concerns amongst users regarding economics, environment, resources, law and privacy. There are many geographical differences as well as other concerns related to data security that becomes evident with the centralization of information and computer resources within some data centres. The control of organizations over cloud computing becomes difficult and data sharing becomes the cause of serious problems.

Research Aim
Data security and safety maintenance is an importance area of concern for companies that are involved in maintenance of a large amount of data.  This problem is encountered by many business firms, private and public companies on regular basis.
The aim of this research paper is to identify various factors that make data security a problem for various people. In this context it will be seen how information is shared over various platforms and what happens when this information is leaked. Finally, various aspects of data security will be analysed in detail and recommendations will be devised as to how companies can maintain a good system that can ascertain maintenance of company’s information within its own boundaries.
Research Questions
Keeping in view the above research aim three research questions have been developed that are as below;
What is cloud computing and what are different benefits and risks associated with this process?
What issues are faced by companies in relations to cloud computing?
What measures companies can take to improve the security of their system?
Research Rationale
Data security issue has become a serious problem for various business organizations that want to share their information at a particular platform. Information regarding this issue is present in the literature but a detailed study that can highlight these problems can also suggest solutions to the issues face by people is lacking. The present research will provide useful information to people who are involved in this business and who want to keep their information safe at a platform. Computer programmers can design a system that can help people in screening their system against data leakage and hence they can earn a great deal of revenue through this system. Finally, the trend suggested by the study can be utilised by various business organizations and firms in order to streamline their process according to latest findings.
From the start of the concept building to actual deployment of cloud computing the concept is becoming more and more popular. In the contemporary business environment its importance has been realised by many medium sized and large corporations. Now they know the advantages of putting this system in place. This not only save the cost but at the same time it also aids in improving the infrastructure.
Virtual machines on the cloud became famous by the end of 2011. These machines delivered data on cloud and made it easier for people to share it. Powerful resources have been there to supply for the supply of services over these cloud wherein infrastructure and platform has been used as a cloud. Now there are many machines that not only deliver flexibility and measurably but at the same time they also allow manipulation of virtual machines at the cloud level. It is important to understand what the term virtual VIRTUALISATION NOTmachine means. It is the process that allows sharing of resources of single personal computer with varied number of computers. Cloud computing helps in sharing of information at various computer settings and for this purpose it has many virtualised applications to improve its resources.
By the virtue of cloud computing, visitorsCHANGE THIS TO ANOTHER WORD such as Service users or end usersget an opportunity to enjoy these services even without knowing the technical details of the entire procedure. Most of the customers do not know how these services work but the benefit they enjoy is like any other professional, however, a little negligence at their end can make the entire system less viable and data security can face numerous threats.
As stated above, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the problems that are encountered during cloud computing because of the information sharing and for this purpose it will be mentioned what problems may arise and what can be done to prevent such losses. Keeping the available data ahead, all the issues will be analysed. As many business companies are facing the issue of cloud computing so people with malicious intentions try to reach valuable data of the company. In this way they can breach the protection layers of cloud environment. The problem is that cloud computing situation is not always clear as it is supposed to be. Servers do not have idea whether or not their data is used on network sharing levels. At the same time, the service user cannot handle the entire data flow from information storage.HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT SURE REFFERENCE itThe supplier of the service is not sure about the services that are running on his header. In this way attacks on cloud computing are experienced that can be categorised in two main categories:
1-      Knowledge attacks
2-      Resource attacks
REFERENCE ITIn resource attacks, manipulation of data of cloud computing is done and large scale bonnet attack is mounted. Such attacks are done for service suppliers. On the other hand, unauthorised modification of important knowledge is done with a particular device. These attacks target everyone including service suppliers and users.
VM sprawling means:unexpectedly the number of machines has been increased in data centre and my professor also has mentioned this and it is nor exactly an attack but if it is known attack reference it. andis not a big problem to create replacement on virtual machine. This allows denial of service attacks through VMS and allocation of large areas. service suppliers favour a good replacement VM on the entire cloud. This kind of attack is usually called as VM sprawling.Along with this, the use of backdoor presents another serious threat to virtual machine sprawling. This results in the leakage of sensitive data after which confidentiality level reduces and privacy is damaged.
With all these serious security issues there is a need to take into account some serious steps that ascertain security in the cloud computing.
Following literature review will further highlight the problems that are encountered during sharing of data in cloud computing. It will be seen how these issues are faced by the companies and what can be done to buffer the information of an organization.


Chapter Two
Literature review

This chapter extensively explains the concept of cloud computing and other relevant ideas. The history and evolution process of cloud computing is discussed that describes four phases of cloud computing recent emerged form. In addition the chapter explains different deployment methods of cloud computing. In spite of being one of its significance in information technology, cloud computing has came across various security and privacy concerns over the time. This chapter has discussed most widely known issues related to it and furthermore, some of the remedial measures proposed by different authors and organizations are also discussed.
Cloud computing is used by many companies and organizations at the same time individual customers also use these services. These services provide storage capacity and data sharing capacities to a company. At the same time, data management system and email service, web-housing and officer’s applications are also provided through this system. Many companies use cloud computing to save personal photos of their employees, at the same time their profiles and health related information is also stored after which the cloud becomes a complete information centre of the company that needs to be secured against illegal threats of invasion.
Weak security policies of a company allow its sophisticated engineer to earn profits without working hard and physical security area of a company is supposed to be the most neglected part. It is important to a regular context aware security system that allows access to information system, through which the entire traffic within the information system can be easily and closely monitored.
After improving the physical security of a system it is important to see the security offered by cloud computing. Once a machine is re-configured a well-configured machinery can enforce security in the system.
On a cloud where information is shared and maintained a server is deployed that check the needs to be performed for vulnerability check. Data present on cloud can be encrypted by data protection algorithms and proper encoding procedures. REFEERENCE ITIntegrity of the user’s profile can be checked with the mistreatment of these algorithms. Attempts can also be made to reach user’s machine or profile. However qualitative relation of one user to at least one machine can help in cutting back the risks in cloud computing platforms. Whenever a specific setting is employed the entire system is required to be cleaned up from the very beginning and this can be ascertained by destroying all the residual knowledge after reloading.
Research shows that a number of data security issues are raised when it comes to cloud computing. Some basic elements of cloud computing such as platform as a service, infrastructure as a service and software as a service usually lead to the emergence of such problems. These issues are usually become more complicated because if the complex infrastructure USE ANOTHER WRODSbehind the graphics of this system. All these hardware and software are not prepared by the business organization itself rather companies buy these services from other resources. There are a number of service providers in the market that offer such services. They usually make storage capacity available for their customers where data is maintained and shared over the company’s cloud, however, other users with malicious intentions can also invade and make the entire systemless reliable.
In order to maintain a good security system it is critical to ascertain that the service supplier and security supplier work together in strong collaboration according to their service level agreement. The cloud is run at varied instances where the suer has to pay money for every instant use. REFERENCE ITAND WHAT IS THAT APPROACH ANapproach is elucidated wherein the service provider can check the integrity of its system through software. This not only improves the integrity of system but at the same time it also helps in improving the capabilities of the data security system with the  seamless integration of the virtual system. This results in an improved protection and reduced chances of file loss.
Cloud Computing and Virtualization
Cloud computing is one of the most widely known term in the world of Information Technology nowadays. The concept is significantly getting attention from authors as well as professionals. The increasing availability of internet usage has added much worth to this concept as it enables its users to access the required information from wherever they are, and has added substantial convenience and productivity in life (Ken, 2010).
History and Evolution
The origin of cloud computing can be traced back to REFERENCE IT1969 from the idea of Licklider whose vision was ‘Intergalactic Computer Network’ i.e. everyone in the world is interconnected and can reach information placed anywhere irrespective of the distances. Cloud computing has evolved from various stages and the first phase of its evolution was Grid Computing in late 80s. REFERENCE ITGrid Computing enabled to access centralized data through integrating different physical resources. REFERENCE ITNext phase were Utility Computing and Software as a Service (SaaS). Utility Computing was more linked with getting the computing servicing from a service provider and outsourcing where a company hires the services of another company for utilizing its services for instance website development, data storage, processing power etc. Similarly, Software as a Service (SaaS) proved to be the third phase, from where the cloud computing has finally emerged. As the name explains itself, this is delivering software services from a distant place mainly through web. Organizations encouraged this form of service from different service providers and outsourced these software functions due to avoiding the costs of hardware installations and maintenance. Furthermore, instead of purchasing licensed software products, the organizations pay monthly charges to service providers that again brough more cost effectiveness to this method. In addition to the software access facility, these service providers provide data storage facilities as well. The organizations transfer their data to outsourced company and then they access it through internet and different software.
The utility computing and SaaS had different essential requirements that must have been fulfilled for integrating these systems effectively in different organizations. Utility computing can effectively work in business when heap of applications can successfully run on the system provided. On the other hand, Saas requires more flexibility and conveniently approachable systems. Another more improved system was needed that can collectively meet requirements of both of the above mentioned systems more productively and it was achieved through cloud computing. Cloud computing combined the critical requirements of Grid and utility computing along with SaaS and it is more readily accepted in organizations these days.
Different stages of grid computing to cloud computing are very comprehensively described in the diagram below:

Cloud computing has been defined by a number of authors from different perspective. Here the most known and accepted definition are stated. In the view of Gartner (2008) Cloud computing is actually a method of computing in which increasingly flexible IT related functionalities are provided “as a service” by utilizing internet and is meant for multiple external customers.
According to Baun et al (2011) cloud computing refers to utilize distant computing, through data storage, program processing through internet based technologies to meet clients’ usage requirements.
Mell&Grance define the term for NIST (2011), “Cloud computing is a model for enabling easy, customized network access to a shared pool of organized computing resources that can be efficiently provided with least managerial efforts and service provider interaction”.
Types of Clouds
There are various kinds of clouds and its utilization depends upon its users’ requirements. For instance the clouds used for home user will be different from an organization’s requirements. Following are the important types of clouds discussed here:

Private clouds.Thisis the type of cloud that is created for a particular groups or department and it its access is restricted to that group of people only. Only one organization is involved in it and it can be managed by that organization itself or it can be outsourced.
Public Clouds: this type of clouds can be used by anyone who is a part of that cloud space, authorized to access the systems keeps the internet connection. This is meant for large number of people and service companies for instance Amazon.
Community clouds.A community cloud is the infrastructure where more than one organization utilizes a common cloud space who has shared security, compliance and policy requirements. These types of clouds are either managed by these organizations themselves or they hire the services of a third part.
Hybrid clouds.Thiscloud model is actually created through the combination of two or more clouds that keep their individual identity alive, but they are bound together through identical technological infrastructure that smoothly make possible the data storage, transfer and accessibility between these clouds.
Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing
As discussed earlier, cloud computing resulted by overcoming different critical requirements of utility computing and SaaS and it offered a lot of connivance and benefits to its users. But by the time, it is been realized that there are many data and information security issues associated with it.
When the data is transferred to service provider for storage purposes, it may be located at scattered places in cloud. If security breach occurs at any location, it is not easy to quickly identify that point. This can be more clearly explained with diagram below:
Some very significant challenges that cloud computing come across are discussed here:
Security investigation.From a user’s perspective it is very difficult to investigate their security concern in a cloud. The reason being, one cloud may contain data related to more than one customer or one customer’s data may be located in more than one clouds. If any unlawful or illicit activity occurs in a cloud, it is not easy to be investigated.
Data location.Cloud users have a very little or no information about exact location of their data. This is because of the fact that service provider places data in different data centers. This is the reason that cloud users have no control over accessing that data physically. Some service providers who operate in different countries can spread that data across countries as well. This cannot be done by meeting legal requirements of the respective countries.
Long term viability.When mergers and acquisitions occur in some organization then it becomes very critical to protect and merge information. The customers need to make sure that data availability is smoothly done. Furthermore, in case of power failure or equipment faults, service provider need to avoid information security and they further need to develop some alternative options.
Hacked servers.Another main issue regarding cloud computing is, users don’t have physical possession of the information. So under undesirable situation like server hacking users have to close down their systems until they start operating back up programs.
REFERENCE These sub headings
Data segregation.The cloud computing offers a combined and shred environment to different users. Encrypting the data should not be considered the only way to deal with segregating issues because there are some users who don’t encourage encrypted data because at times when encryption encounters some problem, data gets lost.
Static data usage.When static data is stored in a simple device it can be feasibly encrypted but when cloud application are used for static data storage its encryption become unfeasible. Because of this reason data is not generally encrypted in cloud applications. As discussed earlier, one cloud may contain data stored by multiple users and additionally, when this data is not encrypted also, it exposes it to serious security threats. Encryption is not the ultimate solution for the security of data over cloud because sometimes, hackers can also find encryption key that is difficult to be achieved on standard computers.
Key management.Another main problem about cloud computing is the key management. In ideal circumstances, data owners should be responsible for key management but the data owners lack such technical expertise to manage these keys and they have to share it with service providers. The service providers provide their services to large number of users so managing key becomes more risky and complicated.
Data integrity.When the users more and more data into cloud storage, it increasingly becomes difficult to check data integrity. Due to data segregated at different places and nodes in different clouds, the user cannot locate their data exactly. When the user wants to transfer some information from one cloud to another or simply want to enter a cloud this will require user’s bandwidth utilization and a lot of time as well. It is extremely difficult to check data integrity in these circumstances with downloading and uploading it. The conventional techniques to check data integrity is not very effective in cloud computing.
Data archiving.Data archiving gives much attention to storage media. There are two options in this regards, whether or not to provide off-site storage. In case of providing off-site storage, if the data is stored on portable storage media and if something goes wrong with this media, the data will possibly be exposed to leakage. On the other hand, if off-site storage media is not provided then data availability will be adversely affected. The storage media and duration needs to fulfill archiving requirements otherwise, the result will be data security threats.
Data deletion.When a user doesn’t needs the data anymore, the ask cloud providers to destruct and delete all data. But this is again not easy to ensure that whether all of the data is deleted or not. If some data still exists, it can cause disclosure of confidential information.
Potential Security Solution for Cloud Computing
·         In case of data verification and storage, it is not easy for users to download all the data from cloud, verify its accuracy and then again upload it on the cloud as this process takes too much time and cost. According to Zang (2008) NEC Lab provided Provable Data Integrity (PDI) solution that meets the requirements of data verification and checking its integrity.
·         Wang et al (2009) introduced a mathematical method to check and verify data stored in cloud.
·         In the view of Mowbray (2009) has put forward a management tool for security issues concerned with data storage and usage. This management tool provides central control availability to the users and they can manage the sensitive data and confidential information in a cloud.
·         It is very critical to ensure private information protection at the time of sharing data or information. According to Gajanayake (2011) he has suggested a privacy protection frame work that is structured on Information Accountability elements. This frame work enables IA agect form cloud providers to monitor the users accessing information. He is also able to identify and unreasonable information usage and deals with it accordingly.
·         Cachin et al (2009) proposed already known cryptographic tools to ensure the integrity and security of the data stored in clouds. These tools include: keeping a copy of data at user’s place, Proof of Retrievability (POR), Proof of Data Possessions (PDP), Digital Signatures etc.
·         Physical security backups and certifications can also be a good solution for security issues.
·         Use of supporting technologies such as security mechanism, confidentiality enhancing technologies, anonymizationetc can assist in eliminating various security concerns related to cloud computing.
·         Das et al (2012) Proposed Private Virtual Infrastructure (PVI) that ensures support and collaboration between cloud providers and the users to minimize privacy issues in the cloud. The users are required to protect their infrastructures through anti viruses and firewalls and inappropriate usage and detection systems etc. Conversely, the cloud providers are required to ensure secure infrastructure availability for its users. Both parties, can check each others’ protection systems and user can verify security measures but actual control over data remains with cloud provider.
·         Multi Cloud Database Model (MCDB) is a technique that utilizes more than one cloud to store information. This model enables to apply multi share technique to different clouds by imitating data in number of clouds. This uses Shamir’s secret sharing algorithm technique along with Triple modular Redundancy (TMR). It requires cloud manage to mange users’ cloud through super cloud service provider.

It is a widely accepted fact that cloud computing offer immense advantages in a company’s operations and many companies are now sharing their data over the public cloud. However, still there are some business enterprises that do not opt to move their specific information over the cloud and this is largely because of immense issues faced by these companies regarding data leakage and security. This is the reason for which the market size of the cloud computing has not expanded to a reasonable extent. The primary inhibitor for the adoption of this technology is the data security problem and many service providers also find them unable to resolve this issue. The above chapter has provided as concise analysis of such issues in all stages of life cyles.
This chapter has discussed some conceptual clarification of the subject cloud computing. Moreover, its origin and evolution process was explained that was followed by different security and privacy issues arising by the time. In addition, this chapter has taken an overview of suggested solution to these problems.
Cloud Computing refers to the use of computer resources both hardware and software that are delivered as a service on a given network. Internet subscription based service provider is used to make the data available to other people with the help of hardware and software. This process is internet based so it is more useful than traditional methods of service provision and this factor became the cause of the popularity of this technology. Only an internet connection is needed to access cloud based files. For instance when an email is stored on the cloud the content of user’s folders are actually stored on an easily accessed internet service. The amount of data that is stored on the internet is unlimited and thus a lot of information can be stored and shared over the cloud.  At the same time the maintenance of this process is not very expensive because a third party is involved in the management of hardware and software that is required for the development of the entire system. As a result of this the IT cost is very less. This is the reason for which this process became very famous during a short period of time and now many companies are trying to adopt it and integrate it into their system.
Like every technology with its positive aspects, negative aspects also exist. This concept of time-shared remote services is not new, yet it has provided many financial and technological advantages. Its infrastructure involves some of the technologies and services that have already been tested and proved to provide security.
The main concern associated with network is the security of data and resources shared. Likewise, there are also some security issues regarding data storage on cloud.
Cloud computing has some major issues associated with it like data security and privacy, expectations and trust, regulations and performance operation issues. In this research we will take into account the major security issues in cloud computing.(Weis &Alves-Foss, 2011).
Cloud computing is very economical in the sense it is suitable for every scale of business. It provides the major advantages as under.
1.      Flexibility is Limitless
2.      Reliability and Security is Better
3.      Collaboration is Enhanced
4.      Portable
5.      Devices are Simpler
6.      Storage is Unlimited
7.      Access to lightning quick processing power.

In spite of the fact that Cloud Computing is very useful, it still have some major security issues associated to it. This is the major threat it has because many insiders may move into the cloud and mismanagement of data may occur. The services may fail that’s why many companies has diverted their attention to this threat. (AlZain, Soh, &Pardede, 2012).

Current Problems

Confidentiality preservation and data integration are the main problems in facilitating cloud computing. It can be overcome by data encryption but encryption can again involve many other new problems. Below is an overview of the main issues associated with Cloud Commuting.


Trust is the backbone of every business. The customer is not sure about the service provider whether the data management is trustworthy and there are no insider attacks. This has diverted the attention of many companies to this issue. There is one and only legal document that states the agreement between the customer and service provider Service Level Agreement (SLA). But unfortunately there is no clear format defined for SLA and the customer is not aware of the fact that it will need the services at later stages. (Weis &Alves-Foss, 2011).
Data Security Issues
One important data security issue faced by a company can be mingling up of its data with another’s company’s information. Other related cooperate entity can also have access to this data. In such a situation it becomes hard to show whether or not the company has possession of this record or it is under the obligation of protecting data. At the same time specific issues arise when the cloud computing intends to share data across different countries because legal the provider has to face issues presented by different jurisdictions. In such a situation it becomes hard to keep track of data and understanding of rules as regulations regarding to protection of data becomes also complex (Jaeger, 2009).
Data security becomes an issue for companies that share their data through cloud computing. It is therefore important for companies to take into account the policies and procedures of people who are involved in the provision of these services. Those companies that offer protection and ascertain that their data will be safe must be preferred. 
No borders:
Cloud does not have borders or boundaries that can become a biggest threat for the companies that share data of their employees. These computers can be located anywhere from the world through ICT network infrastructure. However, there is an option for the companies to choose certain availability zones in order to minimise the chances of leakage. By utilizing this option, companies can reduce their sharing zone.

Legal Issues

Legal issues must also be considered as there are many regulatory requirements, data security and privacy laws that cloud system is bound to follow for data protection. But the main issue is that these laws vary from country to country and also the customers do not actually know that where the data is centrally located.
A report is released by CSA on the issues presented to companies through cloud computing that shows how legal problems can arise when someone tries to hijack the data of a company. Hackers can access data that not only create problems for the service providers but at the same time it can also create a great deal of issues for the company that receive the services of these providers. Hijackers can easily see the transactions and activities performed by a company and can use them for their very own benefits. In this context, CSA report presents the example of 2010. The information of this company was hijacked by attacker XSS that tried to overcome the activities of the company and receive immense financial benefits for this illegal activity (Samson, 2012).
There is a need to find an appropriate agreement for cloud computing and for that purpose appropriate statuary provisions are already in demand. In this context, US federal trade commission took a decision regarding the statuary adjustment, but the problem is that the market for cloud computing is very limited and still it is difficult to recommend and appropriate framework for data protection.


Confidentiality means avoiding unnecessary disclosure of information. Confidentiality is preserved in cloud system since information is located on a remote location so the service provider has full access to it. So there must be some technique that preserves the confidentiality of data in cloud. One such technique is data encryption but that too has many issues associated to it which will be discussed later on.

Authenticity (Integrity & Completeness)

Integrity means the correctness of data. Maintaining integrity is another major issue handled by data encryption. There may be multiple users that have access to a database. The users may have different level of their rights. Some may have limited rights, but sometimes a user with limited access may want to access the outcomes ensuring data integrity (Weis et al., 2011).
Encryption is a technique used to resolve the major issues of cloud computing like maintaining confidentiality and data integrity but it still has its own issues. It consumes a large amount of power that is even more enhanced in case of databases. Cryptography affects the operational performance of data bases because each time you run and execute a query decryption of data occurs and as main operation with databases is running queries, decryption greatly increases (Weis &et al., 2011).


To achieve optimum utilization of available resources thereby decreasing cost, cloud systems share hardware and software resources, storage location and services between number of customer application is known ad multi-tenancy. Sharing resources among multiple customer applications does not maintain confidentiality of data.  To have a strong check over data flow each customer must be analysed with isolation which make multi-tenancy model insecure for implementation.(Behl & Behl, 2012). Some multi-tenancy issues are as under.

Virtual Machine Attacks

In cloud computing the data and applications are located centrally on virtual machines. The applications are also run on server computers with virtual machines. Researchers have analysed that virtual machines can be malicious and it may attack other virtual machines on the cloud.
In case when a virtual machine proves to be malicious, the legal authorities that can be the service provider or other legal authorities are forced to block the entire server. This would cause disturbance to users on server. They may not access the data.

Shared Resources

Another issue involved in cloud computing with respect to hardware is that this system deals with the sharing of resources. It is also possible that the information flows from one processor core to another processor core. That means an application running on one core may have access to the application running on another core processor. Data may pass among processors so security is not ensured.(Weis &Alves-Foss, 2011).





In the above discussion several security issues regarding cloud systems are explained. There may be some undiscovered issues on which researchers are working and that will be disclosed when this technique will be practiced even more.
The major issues that must be taken into account is the proper implementation of SLA. The format must be made clear and it must document all the services and the processes the service provider is offering. In this way insecurities will be eliminated and cloud computing will flourish even more as u usable technology.(Weis et al., 2011).
Cloud computing can be made effective by adopting data encryption bt data encryption is expensive method for maintaining security. Research should be done to manage encryption at economical level and more efficient methods must be adopted to enhance the pace of cloud systems.
Research methodology
The research methodology of this paper aims to gather relevant data through specified documents through which analysis of materials can be done. This analysis helps greatly in reaching a specific conclusion regarding the issues faced by people in relation to data security at cloud computing.
The research will shed light on following questions:
What effects data sharing has on security of people?
What can be done to stop unwanted information sharing?
The present research paper intends to highlight the importance of cloud computing and the issues faces by people in relation to this method of data sharing. The paper has provided introduction about the way cloud computing became famous and how people utilised it to share data on public computers so as to make the entire system work in an integrated fashion. Problems that have been associated with this cloud computing have also been discussed and it is seen how unwanted data sharing create issues for people. A detailed literature review about all aspects of cloud computing has been developed and importance of this process is discussed.
Literature review section of this paper has been developed by consulting the work of various authors in this field. Valuable sources have been consulted regarding the issue of cloud computing. This part of the paper has given a vast amount of data about the importance of various factors associated with cloud computing. However, while writing the literature review it has been observed that the available literature is not self-sufficient in providing vast amount of information about the data security issues and their possible solutions.
Research articles, periodicals and other documents that have been selected for this paper carry a great deal of importance because they are selected on the basis of some standards that ascertain the authenticity of information obtained for the paper. For this purpose inclusion and exclusion criteria have been set and these are:
Inclusion Criteria
1.      Research articles based on studies of the researchers in this field
2.      Peer reviewed journals, articles, periodicals and books
3.      Articles written in English
Exclusion Criteria
1.      Abstracts only
2.      Articles present on websites that are not authentic
3.      Articles written language other than English
The literature review has provided detailed information about the issues faced by various people in relation to data sharing on cloud computers. This literature review has also helped in comparison of the past and present studies that have been done in the same field by various authors. In this way an insight have been developed about the future that shows how well techniques used to share data will be applicable in the future.
The trend identified through the present studies can be successfully utilised by various organizations that intend to protect their system and want to screen themselves from data leakage through cloud computing. Such research papers have more implications for people who are involved in the business of cloud computing or who want to do this in the future. At the same time, engineers, technicians and other people involved in programming can also get immense advantages from this research as they will come to know the problems faced by people when they want to share their data on computers and stop to do this because of unwanted sharing security concerns.
Literature Review
Although the dissertation may seem like simply gathering information about the present topic but his process is important in creating an understanding about the issue and for that purpose both exploratory and descriptive researches have been utilised.
Exploratory Research
Exploratory research is done initially because there was no idea about the way information is going to be collected. There was not starting theory or hypothesis about the present research. In fact the researcher did not know where to start the problem. Initially exploratory research has been done just to collect information about the issue and develop an understanding about this phenomenon. This process is just similar to data mining and it does not always lead the researcher to the results. But the benefit of doing this research was it gave better idea about the way people face this problem and try to solve it through various means.
Descriptive Research
Along with exploratory research, descriptive research has also been done that provided a method to get information about a specific issue or problem. Some measurements are done to collect information and finally a picture is collected that gives provide a picture for the present topic.
Quick Google search has been done to reach the data about the issue and this is an important process as it can give as many as one million results when the keywords are fed in the search bars. This search showed that a variety of papers have been written in this field and researchers are already familiar with this subject. They are also aware with the methodologies and theories assuming that readers are familiar with the issue.
There were immense amount of articles and documents that are present on the web regarding the cloud computing and data security issues related to it. But random search can make the entire process very time consuming and tedious. Therefore, one needs something upon which the foundation of work can be built up. Therefore, the introduction chapter was done before any searches so as to understand the research questions and the aim of the present paper.
In this context, text books and research articles have proves to be very helpful in creating awareness about the topic. Sometimes, even they turn out to be very technical as if someone cannot find one exactly related to the material that is being searched a great problem can be created. For this purpose, research journals and websites have also been consulted to start with the topic. The main idea was to gain broad and quick background information before getting into complex details of this topic.
Research Type
The research used to analyse the opinions of different authors is of two main types:
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
As the paper intended to collect detailed information about the process of information sharing and data security issue regarding cloud computing so both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been utilised in this paper. These research methods are of great importance in studies that require analysis of the work of various writers about the topic
Quantitative research helps in gaining understanding about the reasons and motivations about a particular issue. This is also a very good method that aids in generating ideas and hypothesis that can be used in later qualitative research. In this way prevalent trends in the thoughts and opinions of various authors have been analysed and it is seen what they think about the issue.
However, exploratory findings that are obtained as a result of quantitative search are not complete and generalization cannot be made in the results of these findings. But even then this helps in the development of understanding and sound base for further research.
In order to make the qualitative researchmore useful and applicable qualitative research has been applied for the present study. This research is also helpful in generalization of results of the given samples.
Quantitative research has proved to be very helpful in measuring different views, opinions and ideas of people who have been associated with this research. This research helped in exploring the findings obtained for qualitative research and finally the process of drawing conclusion from the available information became easy. In the end a final course of action for people involved in this research has been devised.
Cloud computing provide 24 hours availability trough all devices and browsers. Now it has become easier to access data through cloud computing that was not very convenient before. But this process has its own security threats are not even fully understood as yet.
Sometimes, it becomes hard to understand the way IT services are delivered over cloud computers because they change the entire model of the service delivery. Sometimes, the loss of control of infrastructure happens in case of some organizations that do not know how to use these services. At the same time, the exploitation can also occur from the side of the service provider. These providers usually present their services to be very attractive and useful and also offer a free trial for the users. But anonymous sign ups happen during the trialperiod and finally issues such as lack of validation, ad-hoc services and loss of control are encountered that put the user in a situation that is highly vulnerable.
The above literature review has shown that data security becomes the issue of great concern for various companies that employee the procedure of cloud computing in their systems. Companies that are involved in application of cloud computing procedures need to evaluate the capacities and services offered by the providers in order to ascertain that sufficient data security is maintained in the entire system. For this purpose the lawyers and company’s information technology professionals must understand the ways and means through which they can develop a system that can ensure the security and integrity of their company’s data. 
Data security issues are also encountered by people because of unreliable service providers who share company’s information over other company’s cloud because of which this information does not remain secure. Companies that do not seek a reliable provider or those that do not consider all these things while finalizing their contracts often face such problems very frequently. Administration of the company, its legal department and every other person involved in the process should understand the requirements of the company and must also suggest measures to save the data of the company.
From the above research paper it is clear that cloud computing has received fair share of its attention in the last few years and this is evident from the fact that vendors are gathering plenty of technology to ease the process of data sharing on a company’s cloud. However, greater cloud related threats have made it impossible companies to take advantage of this technology.
Many companieshave identified that key threats related to cloud computing that are usually related to on-demand shared nature of cloud computing. Before installing a proper system in a company there is a need to take into account thethreats posed by the system to the data security of a company.
For example in some cases, side channel copy right information is used to extract the private copyright keys that are in use on the VMS of the same server. Usually people with malicious intentions does not need to go to such length because in most of the cases, a small flaw does would allow the hacker to have his reach to the data saved by the client over cloud computing.
Data security issues are not only observed by the companies in relation to their clients who design these cloud computers but at the same time, other threats can also be there that include the threat of legal issues faced by the company that design these application to be used by other organizations.
Another biggest threat in case of cloud computing is data loss that can happen anytime if flaws are there in the application. These data security issues can create serious hassle for both the client and the service provider. There are chances that data can be lost without leaving a single valuable trace. Hackers can simply delete the data to create problems for the organization that is using it. This kind of disaster is not less than any other problem including fire, flood or earthquake.
There are some techniques that can be employed to keep this data safe but sometimes the measures that are brought in place to keep this data safe can enhance other problems as well. For instance, many service providersencrypt their data to fight the leaking issues but if he loses his encryption key several other problems may emerge.
Many cases are there in which data loss has threatened the relationship of service providers with that of the client. Sometimes measures that are put in place to mitigate one issue can give rise to the other. At the same time data loss causes a great deal of issues for those who want to maintain stable relationships with their clients. Some companies make it legally imperative for the service provider to keep the data safe but if this demand is not met then legal issues can also be faced by service providers.
The available literature and research have also highlighted another threat to the data security. For instance if a hacker gets control over the data of a company he can easily see the transactions conducted by that company. He can return falsified information and can also manipulate data for his own benefits. In this way, he can redirect the clients of the organization to some illegitimate sites that can create serious problems for the company and can also deteriorate its reputation. These hijackers frequently launch subsequent attacks to further damage the reputation of the company.
Useful measures taken by the service provider can help the company to save its key credentials. Business organizations must stop the account credentials sharing between the user and the company. Along with this, a strong two-cantered authentication technique should be used.

Cloud computing is the type of computing that largely relies in resource sharing after which the need of personal devices for the purpose of handling applications diminishes. This process is used in relation to the high computing power that makes it useful for research and military purposes. Cloud computing uses a network of a large group of servers that use low-cost computers that help in specialization of connection and spreading of data. Large pools of interconnected system is employed in cloud computing and various virtualization techniques are used in it that help in maximization of power.
The above paperhas shown that cloud computing offers users a hugenumber of commercial benefits. Flexibility in operations is achieved with the help of data sharing over the cloud of a company. The process is cost efficient through which data is placed over the cloud according to the actual requirement of the company by the service provider that work after taking a fixed fee. Service providers provide the ICT resources that are required for the company and sale their services to a huge number of users. The operation of ICT resources is also easily adjusted according to the change in the needs and requirements of the user. Because of its immense advantages, cloud computing remains to be a useful tool that is being seriously employed by many companies to reduce the cost of their operations. 
Implementation of cloud infrastructure and the use of this technique in business have presented some unique security concerns to both user and provider of these services. The relationship between underlying hardware and the OS changes with the use of cloud computing. There is a need to ascertain that the data is properly configured, saved and managed to maintain security. Some important security threats to cloud computing may include the potential to compromise hypovisor or virtualization software provided by the company. The above defined concerns related to cloud computing seems to be theoretical but they do exist in various situations.
There are a huge number of issues related to data security on cloud computing and to address these issues it is important to identify the origin of threat and then bring mitigation techniques in place. This problem cannot be addressed very easily without a useful and effective support system. This is the reason for which cloud computing is emerging as a new discipline of cloud security, network security or information security. This is a complicated field that has numerous challenges and it is not easy to fight these challenges. Many kinds of security techniques, policies and a complete infrastructure is required to fight this issue. Associated infrastructure of cloud computing can help save the threat presented by hackers and hijackers.
These issues are usually encountered because of the standards used in creating the infrastructure and data-sharing are not fully defined because of which many companies have defined their own cloud computing technologies. Some companies offer open standards and open resource while some others provide entirely different services.
The above paper has highlighted a broad range of issues faced by service providers and the companies that use cloud computing to share their data. These issues can be broadly categorised into two categories:
1-      Problems faced by providers of services
2-      Problems faced by the companies that use this infrastructure
It is supposed to be the duty of service provider that the user gets the infrastructure that is secure and useful. The infrastructure should be designed in a way that the data related to the company and its client should be kept safe. Along with this, it is the duty of the customer-company to ascertain that the data application of the client is protected properly.
The use of cloud computing must not change the way through which a company uses and shares it data. No matter where the data resides the company’s administration must be aware of the information that is shares and must also become aware of the legal and geographical elements that govern this information sharing. Company’s administration must also understand how information is developed, stored and shared over the cloud. Administration must also understand the ways and means through which it can develop a system to maintain confidentiality.

The use of light Weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) in cloud commuting:

LDAP is another directory access protocol that can be used by smaller items of code. It is a useful approach to buffer the entire system of an organization against any kind of attacks from the hackers because it aids in identifying and locating people, organizations and also alternative files obtained from other network. Virtual system patterns are used for automation of files during a cloud setting. These systems are quick and repeatable and can be used in planning of economic virtual system. All the existing security polices can be buffered with the help of LDAP servers and existing security. This allows user to manage the intervals of infrastructure.
There is a need to capture sufficient data when information is placed over the cloud. This data may include the name of the person who created information and the purpose of creation. Then a useful system should be designed to govern this information properly.
The company must also know each and everything about the service provider and the way they conduct their activities. A contract should be written between the service provider and the company to ensure that data remain secure and data privacy requirements are met.
There are certain items that must be taken into account before finalizing such contracts and these are:
The company must have control and ability to direct the actions of service providers.
The service provider should be willing to comply with the directions of the company’s administration.
Service provider must produce data with sufficient speed and also conduct its activities in a timely manner so as to meet the requirements of the company.
The company that buys the services of a provider should have the right to access the data in an easy and understandable format.
The company must inquire about the format in which data is going to be distributed within the organization including whether or not metadata will be intact.
The provider must be asked to save data from destruction and leakage and should reproduce it as early as possible in order to meet company’s demands and obligations.
The provider of a company must understand that he has to comply with the directions of the company at the same time he must keep hold on the legal issues faced by the company.
Transparency is an issue that must be considered at an initial stage. Transparency of information must be there in order to ascertain that provider does not co-mingle the data with another company’s cloud.
Before finalizing a contract it is important to take into account the cost of the production at the same time, the fee of provider must also be taken into account in order to save the contract from failure.
Legal issues must also be kept in mind and for that administration of a firm should understand how data production can be maintained in compliance with the international privacy law or transfer law of a country.
Ownership of the data must be maintained and contract should state how the data can be kept safe.
There are many internet cloud computing services that offer technical benefits to the company involved in the usage of these services. These companies can help in the improvement of security of the entire company and making it useful for the storage of data. In the end the user can get maximum security with minimum threats of leakage of information.


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